When is the Best Time to Post on Instagram in 2024?
Ever scroll through Instagram and wonder, “Should I post now, or wait?”
You’re not alone! As a Social Media Agency, we get this question too!
So, we dug into the data to uncover the secrets of peak posting times.
Does Posting Time Really Matter?
Yes, absolutely! But it’s not the only ingredient in the recipe for Instagram success. Posting at the right time increases the chances of followers viewing and engaging with your content. Here’s why:
Your audience is active: When your target followers are scrolling through their feed, they will be more likely to see and engage with your posts.
Algorithm: The more likes, comments, and shares your posts get, the higher they will reach a wider audience and climb in the Instagram algorithm.
But wait, there’s more…
Even with perfect timing, engaging and captivating content is the key. Amazing visuals and captions will always outperform a so-so post, no matter the time of a day.
When is the Best Time to Post on Instagram in 2024?
Ever wondered if there’s a magic hour for posting on Instagram? We at The Hype, a social media agency, have been there too. That’s why we crunched the numbers to bring you the magic behind the best posting times.
In Universal, based on global data, these times are the highest,
On weekdays, mornings around 10AM and evenings between 6PM and 9PM, people check their phones after work, during on their way home, and sometime before sleeping.
And on weekends, around 9AM and 7PM. Weekends have more flexibility. But these times often see surges in activity.
Remember, It’s not One-Size-Fits-all!
These are just general recommendations. Refine your best strategy and consider your audience, your content type, and experimentation.
When will you post reels on Instagram in 2024?
Reels are a powerful tool for engagement and savvy social media agencies know timing is the key.
Across all time zones, posting reels at 4AM in your local time seems to be the perfect one. Here why:”
Less competition: Posting at 4 am means less competition on the reel feed, allowing your content to stand out.
Early bird get the view: By the time your target audience wakes up and scrolls on Instagram, your content reel will be fresh in the feed.
While 4 am is the time, Thursday seems to be the day! People are generally more engaged on Thursday.
How to find your Unique Posting Time?
We all know the struggle: hitting the post on Instagram and wondering if anyone will see it.
The key? Understanding your unique audience.
Engaging content is king. Focus on creating content first and then timing can give them an extra boost.
Instagram's insights are your secret weapon. When are your followers most active? Look at the followers tab under Audience in Insights. This reveals the best time for your specific audience.
But, test different times within your audience's active time. Track engagement on posts and see what resonates best.
Master your Instagram Posting
Posting at the best time can mean the difference between crickets and cheers for your brand. Reach more followers, spark engagement, and drive results by scheduling post for when your target audience is most active.